Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’
Matthew 28:18-20 NIV
Christian Education Institute
Driven by the Great Commission, Life Center is thriving to become a hub to reach the community and present Christ to every man and woman.
Each year there is an evangelism and discipleship programme over a period of 45 weeks, split into 4 semesters.
Each week the students attend for a 1½ hour session of praise, prayer, and teaching with the aim of loving them into the Kingdom of God.
120+ students are enrolled from the local community for each cycle and along with the classes they are offered support in the form of hospitality, food parcels, clothing, prayer, and love.
At the completion of the year their achievements are celebrated with a graduation ceremony and an invitation to join the church and church Bible study groups. Weekly breakfasts are provided on Sunday mornings for 30 or so people after the wish those who wish stay are welcomed to join the morning worship service.

The First Seven Weeks
The students gather in a single group for 30 minutes of praise and worship once a week followed by 40 minutes of teaching. These first sessions are very evangelism focussed dealing with Bible basics such as repentance, faith, and grace.

Al Massira
From week 8 the students gather every Friday morning for 30 minutes of worship and praise. Then they are split into small groups to do the Al Massira Course. Al Massira (The Journey) is a twelve-week course similar to the Alpha course but tailored for people from a Muslim background. It covers the Old Testament prophets up to Jesus and the Atonement.

Christian Basics
From week 20 the students study the Christian Basics book. This has 18 lessons covering the basics of the Christian faith in more detail.